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Welcome to Alaska Alaska Highway Entrance to Border City Alaska Welcome to Alaska Alaska Highway Border City Alaska
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Location: Alaska Hwy, milepost 1225, approximately 300 miles from Whitehorse and Fairbanks.
Welcome to Alaska

Border City consists of a lodge offering full service RV and tent camping sites, fuel and deli goods, located about three miles beyond the Alaska/Yukon border. Entering Alaska's broad interior plateau, which extends from the Wrangell and Alaska Ranges to the Brooks Range in the northern part of the state, the Alaska Highway gradually descends alongside the Tanana River toward Fairbanks.

The Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center, located about 4 miles from Border City at milepost 1229, offers high quality interpretive displays on a variety of Alaskan habitats within the National Wildlife Refuge System. The Tetlin Refuge covers an area of 924,000 acres north of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park encompassing broad flat river basins, rolling hills, extensive marsh and lake complexes, the foothill areas of the Nutzotin and Mentasta Mountain Ranges and the two major glacial river systems forming the Tanana River.

The refuge protects one of the highest densities of nesting waterfowl in Alaska. As a migration corridor the refuge provides habitat for 143 nesting species of birds and 47 migrants. Big game animals include moose, caribou, Dall sheep, grizzly bear, black bear, and wolf. Smaller species include lynx, wolverine, red fox, marten, snowshoe hare, beaver, otter, muskrat and min

Alaska Highway Entrance to Border City AlaskaWelcome to Alaska Alaska Highway
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