Location: At the mouth of the Yukon River 10 miles from the Bering Sea on the west coast of Alaska. Population 774.
Emmonak is a Yup’ik Eskimo commercial salmon fishing and processing town accessed by a state owned public use airport. Many of the Yu’pik, whose ancestors settled here 10,000 years ago, travel to fish camps after the salmon runs to dry fish for winter use. Moose, beluga whale, seal, waterfowl and berries are also harvested.
Kwik’Pak Fisheries (from the Yup’ik name for the Yukon River, pronounced kwee’puck) focuses on the legendary Yukon River salmon and is the last Native American fishery of its kind in Alaska. The 2000-mile long Yukon is the longest salmon-producing river in the world, and the fish that navigate it prepare for their spawning journey by feeding heavily, resulting in salmon with the highest concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids and accompanying rich, delicious taste and health benefits.