Location: Highway 31 on the west side of Kootenay Lake, 11 miles (18 km) north of Balfour and 12 miles (19 km) south of Kaslo. A year round free ferry ride from Kootenay Bay on the east side of the lake drops off at Balfour. Population 50. Visitor Information: (800) 668-1171; www.hotnaturally.com.
The oldest surviving community on Kootenay Lake, Ainsworth began as an historic village founded in 1883 in response to silver mining activity in the area. Originating in a fascinating horseshoe cave system filled with subtle lighting and stalactites, the revitalizing hot springs are considered among the best in the province. The resort offers top-notch accommodations and dining with beautiful views of Kootenay Lake and magnificent Purcell Mountains.